Wednesday, April 28, 2010

First Steps To Create Your Home Business

I hope by now you have enough information to
start getting busy and building your first Blog.
Data Team offers a great program to start and
gives you all the information you need without
over whelming you.


There are some things, that need to be in place.
The kind of business you want to develop see my
blog March 28th, and very important, a name for the
Site. The name should refer to the content of the
site and you might even consider including some
"Keywords" for better recognition by the search

What is a "Keyword"? It is the word or words people
enter in the search bar when they are looking for
something on the Internet. So if you are looking for
weight loss you would search for "weight loss" or
"diet to loose weight". If you look at my Blog the
Keywords that are included in the Blogs Name are
"Home Business".

Once you find the name you like, it may be a very
good idea to register the name so no one else can use it.
I have registered all my sites with Go Daddy. They are
very reasonable in price and I would sign up for one
year. Their site is easy to navigate and they have great
customer support. Their team helped me patiently,
when I did not have a clue. Help is always good and
they give it freely. I have also included a banner add
on the right hand side in this blog for your convenience.


Now that you have the basics, the Name and what
you are going to sell on your blog there are still a couple
of things that you might want to do. I hope you decided
on Data Team for your teachers and they will show you
how to get an EIN # from the IRS. This is highly recom-
mended to protest your Social Security Number, because
you have to give all of your Tax Information when you
sign up as an affiliate. You are treated as an independent

So start and enjoy, it is exhilarating to have your own
home based business. Be patient, but never, never quit.

Talk to you again in a couple of days

To your Internet Success

Monday, April 19, 2010

Summery Post

Since I have written 6 different Blogs over the
last 2 weeks, I thought it would be a good idea
to summarize before I start on a new subject,
in helping people to find the best resources for
an Internet Business. I will also post all the
different sites that I have recommended, so they
are all in one place for you to see and investigate.

As you can see, I am trying to make your journey
to find actual work like an Internet job or an
Internet Business easier, because so many websites
are on the Net that show the where, without the how,
and truthfully both are of equal importance.

So here they are:

My Data Team

Web Colleagues

Work at Home Jobs

Blogging Income

Affiliate Web 3.0 Marketing

Surveys Online

To your online Success

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Work At Home

In the previous blogs I have covered companies offering
you their help to build an on line business.

But you do not want a business. You would prefer an online
job. Something you can do while you are out and about?
Maybe you just love to go to the mall and window shopping
is one of your favorite past time.

Well, how about making some extra money, which gives you
the opportunity to buy instead of just looking?

I have the answer, become a certified Field Product Auditor
(FPA). Not a difficult thing to do, so if that sounds good to you:


Maybe you would like to be a Virtual Assistant working from
home for several companies. You may have career experience
as a Personal Assistance and just don't want to do the 8 to 5
anymore, but instead be at home with your family.


Another position is being a Web Proof Reader. Any of these
positions can be yours, just invest some time to see what you
like best and try it out.

This is not a get rich quick scheme, but these jobs will afford
you more freedom.

The company that I am featuring will show you how to do any
of the above successfully and several more. Look and see what
they offer!


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Make extra Money with Affiliate Programs

Today I would like to make some additional
comments on the POWER of Affiliate Marketing.
It is the easiest way to start a home based business
on the internet and the site we feature in this
article can be very helpful for you to accomplish

The hardest part is always starting something
new. This is why these featured business models
are very important because they can be so very
helpful to your success in a relatively short period
of time.


Yes, there is work involved in the beginning, to set-up
everything properly, but remember you have
help and are guided by the people whose program
you purchase.

Furthermore, once you master this, you can venture
out into using your own web-site and promote your
own products if that is your end goal.

Whatever you choose to do, the basic principles
ones learned, can be universally applied. That is
especially true in regards to successful adverting
FREE and paid for. The best site is worth zero if
no one is visiting, right!!


Saturday, April 3, 2010

At Home Business

Starting a Business from home can be quite
overwhelming and maybe this Blog can give
you some helpful hints and show you that it is
not as difficult as you might think.

One of the main things you need is a workspace
where you can quietly concentrate, think and
yes, WORK. It does not have to be a large area.
A small desk, a comfortable chair (important)
and good lighting, ideally by a window in any
room is absolutely sufficient.

As far as a computer is concerned I am working
on a laptop and find it quiet sufficient because my
work is on the Internet and I don't need the
large memory and all the other extras of a PC.

Great, that settled, what is next!

For learning and working on the Net I have
found that Google's browser " Mozilla Firefox"
works great. It gives me the option to have
more than one window open at a time and
I can refer back and forth as needed.

For instance: You purchase a program that
will show you how to drive your particular
business to the top of the search engines ad
pages. If you have the instructions open in one
window and doing what you are being told
in the window next to it, you can refer back
and forth saving you a lot of time and frustration.

This brings us to the next task!
Finding a Home based business and developing
it to make MONEY!!

One of the easiest ways to build an Internet
business is with a Blog, this is what you are
looking at right now. Let me introduce you to
a company called MY DATA TEAM that has
developed a program that is perfect for the


Their instructions are detailed and easy to
understand. Many tutorials are both written
and shown in visual demos.

For people that already have a site, they introduce
you to numerous ways to drive traffic to your site.
Another exiting thing is, once you pay a moderate
fee to join, you do NOT have to spend another dime
to build your Home based Business or drive your
site to success on the Net.